What Does The US Spend on Health Care
Jerry Elprin

Jerry Elprin

Jerry was born into what Time magazine once dubbed the “Silent Generation,” sandwiched between the Greatest Generation and Baby Boomers. From that perspective, he brings his thoughts and observations on living “healthy” in today’s fast-changing, hyper-connected, often “disruptive” digitized world. After college and a hitch in the Army, he’s worked as a reporter, editor, and marketing executive while raising three now-grown children. He says "So much of what’s considered 'healthy' has changed and is often contradicting what I learned growing up."

April 27, 2017

What Does The US Spend on Health Care

Where Does All That Money Go?With all the news and talk these days about health care costs and who pays for what, I’ve taken more of an interest in what we as a country spend and who pays…the big picture so to speak.My curiosity was sparked by two articles I came across that cited the […]

Health Care